Texas: almost 60% of public school children are poor; half Hispanic; more non-English fluent
Ericka Mellon of the Houston Chronicle offers this:
Almost six out of 10 Texas public schoolchildren hail from low-income families, marking a troubling spike in poverty over the last decade, a new state report finds.
The increase coincides with a significant jump in the number of Hispanic students, while fewer Anglo students were enrolled last year than 10 years ago, according to the study by the Texas Education Agency. Schools also are educating many more children whose primary language is not English...
...Last year, Hispanics made up nearly 48 percent of the enrollment, followed by whites (34 percent), blacks (14 percent) and Asians (4 percent). Nearly 17 percent of students had limited English-speaking skills.
1. Despite the fact that much of the problem is due to massive and especially illegal immigration, Mellon doesn't even hint at the root cause. (She probably wouldn't accurately describe the attached picture either.)
2. Sarah Winkler, president of the Texas Association of School Boards and "Rep. Rob Eissler, chairman of the House Public Education Committee" are quoted as wanting increased resources, training, and the like. However, neither say anything about immigration's role in the problem. If they can't do that, aren't they as untrustworthy as Mellon?
3. If you live in Texas and you want to do something about this, fashion some tough questions for those and other leaders and then "cross-examine" them on video; see the question authority page.

Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 01/03/2010 - 23:21
HS 20148 dawes57@cox.net 2010-01-04T01:21:17-06:00
The future of america is poor hispanic that is the base of the political race party this party will be one evil shit. it will be a murder hate race party and you will be its victim the only way out is to remove this evil and that will never happen but the hate race people of mexico and all the world will have no problem in removing you from this good earth. racists is not evil in this world but to allow your enemy to murder your world and your family is evil but also understand the white rich guys who are behind all this evil will live well and have fun watching your kids disappear into a sea of black brown and yellow. in other words a sea of monkeys will all become a sea of the enslaved people of the world.
eh (not verified)
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 08:00
HS 20149 e10k@hotmail.com 2010-01-07T10:00:14-06:00
Thanks for the link. _The future of america is poor hispanic_ Can't argue with that.