Getting to the Facts About the Protect Arizona Now Initiative

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OK, so you read the lies from the L.A. Times about Arizona's PAN initiative.

Now, here's "Proposition 200: Cutting Through the Rhetoric and Getting to the Facts About the Protect Arizona Now Initiative":

Large-scale illegal immigration is an important issue in Arizona and much of the rest of the nation, and it is crucial that the facts about Proposition 200 be reported accurately to the voters. What Proposition 200 says and does not say, what it would do and would not do, must be presented accurately so that voters can make an informed choice when they go to the polls on November 2.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the leading immigration policy organization in country, has prepared an analysis of what is contained in Proposition 200, and answers to key questions about the initiative and those who are behind it. "We fully expect that opponents of the initiative will attempt to distort and mislead Arizona voters about Proposition 200," said Dan Stein, executive director of FAIR. "Therefore, it is important for the media and the public to have access to the facts about an initiative that has local and national implications." FAIR staff attorney, Michael Hethmon, is available to discuss and provide additional information about Proposition 200. He can be reached at (202) 328-7004 or at

There's much more. If you live in Arizona, or are otherwise interested, check it out.


God Bless "PAN"

FAIR has an interesting press release of their own: Who is the Southern Poverty Law Center and What is Their Role in the Campaign Against Prop. 200?

Anti-PAN forces will try to re-circulate information from groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center attacking pro-PAN advocates. BE ADVISED: This information is very unreliable: journalists should verify this information independently before using it.

As predictably as the rooster crowing at dawn, whenever and wherever American citizens protest mass immigration

Congratulations on your geographic mastery. Lets see if you'll actually keep this posted...

CNC Responds to FAIR Press Release on PAN
August 12, 2004

In an August 9, 2004 press release entitled,

I don't know what you're implying but I'm actually in River Forest, Illinois, not Chicago.


[rest of comment deleted. River Forest is a suburb of Chicago, and as stated above, don't copy and paste entire press releases into the comments when they're available online--LW]

Hey, "Adam." Thanks for pasting a whole press release into my comments when a link would suffice. I note also that this was posted from Chicago, IL, which is also the headquarters of that organization.

As for your press release, I'll let FAIR speak for me:

WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- ...FAIR firmly believes in the motto e pluribus unum -- "out of many, one" -- that people of all races, religions and ethnic backgrounds who embrace the ideals of our constitution are part of one unified American community. We also believe that America is a society based on the rule of law and that rampant illegal immigration threatens the principles for which this country stands.

A recent public opinion poll shows that 74 percent of Arizona voters support Proposition 200...

While organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the virtually unknown Center for New Community would like to tar all supporters of immigration reform with the same brush, there is a time for complete candor and sober assessment. When there is evidence someone has crossed the line, we are compelled to speak out: Views expressed by a Ms. Virginia Abernethy, a Nashville, Tennessee advisor to Kathy McKee -- appointed after the signature turn in and utterly uninvolved in the signature gathering process -- are repugnant, divisive and do not represent the views of the vast majority of Arizonans who support Proposition 200. These views were reported by the Arizona Republic on Saturday, August 7, 2004. We do not know why she was appointed by Ms. McKee, but FAIR and everyone FAIR represents categorically denies and repudiates Abernethy's repulsive separatist views.

This gross error in judgment by Ms. McKee -- appointing someone whose views are so marginal and discreditable -- continues a long pattern of similarly inexplicable and erratic conduct by McKee, and confirms the need for both to step aside at this juncture. Beyond the actual turn in of signatures, Ms. McKee has had little to do with advancing Proposition 200 for months... [rest of press release at the link]

Did you see this? Any comments?

Center for New Community
PO Box 346066
Chicago Illinois 60634

Release Date: Immediate Release, August 6, 2004
Contact: Eric K. Ward, 708-848-0319 ext. 15

White Supremacist Leader Chosen to
Head Advisory Board of Arizona Initiative

Chicago, IL