The Lonewacko Blog is not here for your amusement
A former reader writes in the comments here:
"...the reason your blog has a low readership and attracts few comments is that your work isn't very engaging...
...After a couple of years of living in blog-land, and giving my best effort to be a supporter, I'm not sure I can take the noise-to-signal ratio anymore. Your blog is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. There's no need for me or anybody else to waste our time here..."
It's unfortunate that you did not find this blog "engaging." However, I believe you don't understand the point of this here blog.
Initially, this blog made fun of blogging and other bloggers. Then, I started adding political content. There's still some meta-discussion and some wacky humor, but The Lonewacko Blog is now mostly politically- or news-oriented.
The fact remains that The Lonewacko Blog covers subjects that not only the mainstream media but the mainstream bloggers are afraid to discuss.
The Lonewacko Blog should be viewed as an information, research, and link source and not as entertainment.
Thank you.
do (not verified)
Tue, 06/29/2004 - 20:42
see my comments below...