More proof that 'Friends' sucks

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When clicking through channels every month or so I stop and watch about 30 seconds of Friends. Just to imagine what Jennifer Aniston looks like "down there." But, I immediately become disgusted with these yuppie scum and switch channels.

Now, a former 'Friends' writer's assistant is suing Warner Bros. et al. for sexual harrasement allegedly committed by the writers for the wacky hit comedy. It gives a window onto their wacky little world:

58. I saw ['Friends' writer] Greg Malins draw in the coloring book the vaginal area of a cheerleader who had her dress up and legs open.

...68. I heard ['Friends' writer] Chase once rhetorically asked [sic] the group, of Cox and Arquette, "do you think they fuck in the dressing room". [sic]

...74. [Three of the writers] regularly discussed making the character Joey a serial rapist...

...77. [Three of the writers used the terms] "dick," "schlong," and "cock."

...83. I can recall sitting around waiting to go home while writers were sitting around pretending to masturbate and continually talking about schlongs.

The writer's assistant appears to be a black female; she complains about white males receiving better treatment. So, not only is it a study in the creative processes behind 'Friends,' it's a study in paranoia and extreme sensitivities.

UPDATE: An update is available in "Jennifer Aniston naked". No, she's not nude, we - including, allegedly, the Friends writers - just wish she was.


Friends is good you all just suck dick i think

Friends is, obviously, pure crap. It's really sad that it lasted for so long. I've only suffered through, maybe, 10 minutes or so at a time over the years, but I must say: those moments were unbearable.

Anyhoo, the show just blows and I'm so glad so see it end. I'm sure that the "Joey"-whatever spin off is so terrible bad that is will, hopefully, only last a couple of episodes.

Basically TV sucks major wanker and the people who watch crap like Friends, Frasier, Hollywood Acess, etc... (really almost all of it) desirve the nightmare life they're living.

Love and kisses!


Thank you people, I'm sick of all these emo sitcoms, they can all screw themselves. I like sitcoms like Everbody loves Raymond, seinfeld is ok sometimes too......

Thank you people, I'm sick of all these emo sitcoms, they can all screw themselves. I like sitcoms like Everbody loves Raymond, seinfeld is ok sometimes too......

Thank you people, I'm sick of all these emo sitcoms, they can all screw themselves. I like sitcoms like Everbody loves Raymond, seinfeld is ok sometimes too......

Friends is for people who listen two whooti and the blowfish and can't get out of the 90's because they have some kind of stupid "New Yorker" complex, that makes them have to watch television all day.

I see that you're putting the words "more" and "proof" very loosely, first of all this is no considered a "proof", just because a couple of writers are morons doesn't mean you can condemn the whole show, also there was no proof in the first place.

I was so pissed off, but I don't see how you linked these douche bags behavior directly to the show? I've read the lawsuit and they weren't involved in the story lines of the show I think it's a great show

Oh I forgot to say everybody loves Raymond SUCKS