Questions for Alex Nowrasteh of CATO | a Twitter conversation
Questions for Alex Nowrasteh of CATO
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This is a Twitter conversation between @24AheadDotCom_ and these users:
alexnowrasteh@CatoInstitute's immigration policy analyst. Less restricted migration will enrich the world. Opinions expressed here are my own.
brianhollowayStanford/Harvard Drop Out. N.E. PATRIOTS. SB XX #1 Coach/Consultant To Fortune 500
glaivesterA Patriot Fighting to Stop Genocidal #Antijaphetism
#KelliWard #ElectNehlen
#NeverHillary #NeverRyan #NeverRubio
ma_me_gaFreedom of speech is not a license to be stupid. I am a political science professor interested in immigration & political economy. RT ≠endorsement.
h1boutsourcerOutsourcing mastermind and businessman extraordinaire.
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