BRIDGE House Resolution calls for no amnesty, border security, mandatory eVerify

Earlier today, Rep. Jason Chaffetz introduced H. Res. 1026, called the "Bipartisan Reform of Immigration through Defining Good Enforcement" or BRIDGE Resolution. It seeks to (press release here, no bill text yet):

* make E-Verify mandatory for all employers, and hold employees accountable as well;
* provide sufficient border infrastructure and manpower to secure and control our borders; and,
* reject amnesty and any legal status which pardons those here in violation of our laws

The red flag there is the last: no one wants "amnesty". What many political leaders want is comprehensive immigration reform, something that would be an amnesty no matter what name it's given. Both the resolution and Chaffetz are leaving the door open to "reform" rather than outright opposing it and simply demanding that our laws be enforced. That might be for political reasons with no intent of supporting "reform", or they might end up supporting a compromise of some sort. Here's what Chaffetz told a newspaper (link):

"no amnesty means to me that we're not simply going to excuse them and allow them to stay here in the country. Will we listen to discussion and proposals (about possibly imposing fines or work requirements to stay in country)? Of course. But no amnesty."

It boils down to whether he means "listen" in the normal sense or in the, for instance, Hollywood sense where, as they say, "maybe" is another word for "no".

Of 22 co-sponsors, 10 are Democrats, including Heath Shuler. A Republican signing on is Tom McClintock.


Its all about the code words, what is happening the big hispanic's want more of "its" people here and so many are doing the normal thing for any thief and mugger go into the back door and do the rape and murder of this nation.

Scott Brown Opposes amnesty AND is for strengthening our borders!

Until the US government summons the courage to provide massive penalties for anybody found as accomplice to assisting illegal aliens staying in America. Until businesses are fined $50.000 to $100.000 dollars for knowingly hiring each illegal immigrant, with an immediate passport to jail for any employer with no clemency. Or going straight to prison for at least one year on the first offense, for aiding and abetting foreign nationals. This type of rigid law will never happen, because immigration is just lip service to the public to show that Washington is superficially doing something. For decades, any kind of serious enforcement has always been trampled into the mud, by pandering politicians. If immigration laws were serious--they would have made trespassing into our country a mandatory felony as other countries, instead of a pathetic slap on the wrist. 20 to 30 million Illegal immigrants have been allowed to occupy our nation, because our lawmakers have been corrupted by the special interest lobbyists. Even the original design of the Southern border fence, was superseded by one single length instead of two, with vehicle surveillance lanes in between. More fencing and additional Border Patrol agents will not be sufficient to protect America because every one of our international airports is part of our border. Tom Tancredo previous Congressman for Colorado warns us that over 140 million international travelers passed through our 20 busiest international airports in 2008. Foreign students from the Middle East are bringing their wives and girlfriends here to have their babies in American hospitals, children who become instant American citizens ร‚โ€“ and "anchors" for their parents' future green-card applications. Large bankrolls have changed hands by wealthy corporate concerns, adding copious incentives to party campaigns to trample new laws. This has been illustrated by Sen. Harry Reid, Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi and even head of our Homeland Security Janet Napolitano trying to collapse E-Verify. As Part of the SAVE ACT, E-Verify is one of our strongest tools, to eject illegal workers out of American jobs. E-Verify was nearly comprised by the Liberal Democrats, but it surfaced and came to the attention of the public and anti-illegal labor bloggers. Any enforceable law such as E-Verify, 287(g) local police detainment, ICE arrest have been secretly undermined by the legislators. Not completely, but enough to make them almost worthless. Today, more than ever before--we cannot trust our government, who supposedly take this oath office to protect the United States citizenship. May be there is a light at the end of the tunnel, with the stunned expressions of Democrats when Scott Brown, beat Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts special election. State Sen. Brown has stated he is against any kind of AMNESTY or as its called by open border zealots Comprehensive immigration reform. The Senator also said that we are encouraging more illegal im

The Senator also said that we are encouraging more illegal immigrants to come, by awarding AMNESTY. Just as millions more are expected, if the doors remain open before President Obama should sign into law this new act. You cannot stop a deluge with just a thin line of US Border Patrol agents. This is where we must--DEMAND--stringent fines and hefty prison sentences for business owners--with no exceptions. The new second generation well-funded E-Verify will make a giant difference, that will rid this country of illegal workers and those criminal businesses that believe they are above the law. The new E-Verify upgrade will whittle away at the estimated 8 million illegal workers in our country, with their only option to go--HOME? Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga) is the principal author of H.R.1868, which repeals "birthright citizenship" by limiting citizenship to children born of citizens and legal permanent residents, not Tourists, foreign students, temporary workers or illegal aliens. Rep. Phil Gringrey (R-Ga) H.R.878 would end chain migration by limiting the relatives who qualify for "family reunification" to only immediate family members. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va) bill, H.R.2305, will end the "diversity lottery" through which 55,000 green cards are awarded annually to people who are exempt from sponsorship and job-skill requirements. (Over 1.5 million legal immigrants enter America every year.) Rep. Marsha Blackburn's (R-Tn) H.R.2406 will strengthen local law enforcement's role in immigration enforcement, for example in extending the reach of 287(g) agreements between local police and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. TAXPAYERS HAVE BEEN SHINED-ON THROUGH MANY ADMINISTRATIONS OVER MANY YEARS. AMERICANS HAVE UNKNOWINGLY BEEN TAXED, TO SUPPORT INSTANT CITIZEN CHILDREN OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT MOTHERS, EDUCATION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT AND FILLED OUR PLACES OF IMPRISONMENT. MASSIVE DOLLAR AMOUNTS CANNOT BE COUNTED, BUT CERTAINLY RIVAL THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR OUR WARS. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and asked for your Senator or Congressman. In addition bombard your State Representatives to enforce state laws. GET INVOLVED AND LEARN THE TRUTH AND NOT OPEN BORDER PROPAGANDA AT NUMBERSUSA AND JUDICIAL WATCH. STOP UNSUSTAINABLE OVERPOPULATION IN OUR FUTURE.

We will see the light at the end of the tunnel it will be the smoldering cities of America not by the whites but by millions and millions of third world people who will want money that cannot be handed out and by race hate leaders like la raza who want in the end game kingdom's and total evil over this land. By Guns and understand we have no laws.