Shailagh Murray offers WaPo's lightest weight coverage of Barack Obama yet?

Shailagh Murray of the Washington Post offers "Obama Answers Critical Question -- About Music" (voices . washingtonpost . com/the-trail/2008/09/25/obama_answers_critical_questio.html). It might just be the most lightweight coverage of Barack Obama from the WaPo yet, although I'm sure there are many other posts and articles from them that compete for that title.
Sen. Barack Obama stopped by his Senate office before heading over to the White House this afternoon for the big bipartisan meeting on the financial meltdown.

Met at the door by a few reporters, he answered a key question -- at least for his generation.

Beatles or Stones? asked a Congressional Quarterly reporter.

"Stones," Obama replied.
Now, of course, there's the possibility that Murray is trying to bring the WaPo down from the inside by offering weak coverage, or she's trying to point out how bad the MSM coverage of BHO is. However, based on her previous reports, I don't think that's likely at all.