Sasha Baron Cohen (Borat) in "Accidentes" (immigration-related movie)

Word out of Hollywood is that Sacha Baron Cohen ("Borat") will be producing and probably starring in a movie called "Accidentes":

The protag will be a lawyer of Latin descent who transforms from contingency attorney [personal injury] to hero of the working class when he helps an immigrant win a judgment against his wealthy employer after a landscaping mishap. He also becomes the enemy of L.A.'s power elite.

While I'm sure the movie won't come out for immigration enforcement, just how bad it will be remains to be seen.


The protag will be a lawyer who transforms from contingency attorney [personal injury] to hero of the business class when he helps desperate foreigners become neo-slaves for wealthy employers. Somehow this un-American racket makes him the darling of the business, media, and radical academic elite. And very rich. Sadly, this would be a documentary.