Dolores Huerta says we can't enforce immigration laws, promotes demographic hegemony (ask Hillary Clinton)

United Farm Workers of America co-founder Dolores Huerta - also a co-chair of the Hillary Clinton campaign (link) - gave a speech straight out of the Balkans (or other places) on Thursday at San Bernardino Valley College in Southern California (link).

It'd be great if someone somewhere could go to a Hillary Clinton appearance and ask her to denounce the following statements. I'm not expecting anyone to do that, but it'd be great if someone could prove me wrong.
"We didn't cross the border," the revered immigrant and farm worker advocate told an enthusiastic crowd of mostly college students. "The border crossed us."

...In her wide-ranging speech, which was sponsored by Arts and Lecture Series Committee and MECHA Latino faculty and staff, Huerta railed against anti-immigrant groups, the North American Free Trade Agreement, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed state budget cuts to education, and U.S. government inaction on immigration reform.

...She said illegal workers were a critical bulwark of the national economy, yet were faced with virulent anti-illegal-immigrant groups such as the Minuteman Project that she said were "linked" to the United States government.

She said Immigration and Customs Enforcement crackdowns had deported 290,000 people to Latin American countries in what she characterized as an "ethnic cleansing."

But anti-illegal-immigration efforts were doomed to failure, Huerta said, as illegal immigrants and naturalized Latinos had gained a foothold in the country.

"It's really too late," Huerta said of anti-illegal-immigration movements. "If 47 million (Latinos) have one baby each ... it's already won."

...Huerta's reception at the community college was overwhelmingly positive.

..."I liked how she said 75 percent of the world was people of color," said SBVC student Randy Dale, 23. "We are the majority, and we should be in charge more, especially in the U.S."
100+ Hispanic groups send letter supporting illegal immigration, opposing raids
Watanabe, Gorman on "Unity Blueprint for Immigration Reform" (massive amnesty, questionable links)
Democrats' fave Mexican congressmen support Elvira Arellano; Dolores Huerta; commission?
Darrell Issa, PFAW, Huerta, Catholic leaders, immigration town hall meetings
AZ Daily Star regrets hate speech headline


"It's really too late," Huerta said of anti-illegal-immigration movements. "If 47 million (Latinos) have one baby each ... it's already won." One of the SPLC, anti-immigration law/open border, and ethnic power groups' favorite accusations of 'hate' is any characterization of mass immigration as an invasion, war, contest, etc. All the while, their less tactful like this woman brag about winning a demographic race war!

I wonder: Do white people like Dolores Huerta [1]?


_All the while, their less tactful like this woman brag about winning a demographic race war!_ Yeah, funny isn't it? Try making a comment like that if you're white.

It's not a "demographic race war," it's freakin' voluntary relocation and genocide in slow motion. Remind her how much Cesar Chavez hated scab illegals. Quote him verbatim, that should get her going.

It is a Race War by the third world Oligarchies who want your Nation and want living room for its enslaved people...see Hitler 1933-1945. Its is evil and your government and its political rat class are helping our enemies for race reasons and mass enslavement of all people its just the one world pigs at work. the funny thing is if you really look at the one world people you can see hitler and the Islam ideals all in one, this is never talked about or is mass attacks on this nation and its people by the third worlds people the system will use jihadist mexicans and third world people to take our freedoms and make us a dead people just like the Romans or the Byzantine Empires. Buy Guns.

_It is a Race War by the third world..._ Only one side is actually fighting, however.

_ "If 47 million (Latinos) have one baby each ... it's already won."_ If they have one baby each, then the rest of us will eat well. I've heard they taste just like chicken. :-)

Uh, don't those "47 million Latinos" include men too? Last time I checked, men don't get pregnant. Looks like Ms. Huerta, in addition to being a race baiter, is also a bit of a dim bulb.

With ADD, ADHD and all, Americans can't think clearly. They get confused so quick and fast that as soon as dubya parrots 'American jobs that Americans don't take', Americas lape it up, instead of giving back with 'Oh yea? You took your job. Didn't ya? You corrupt ba*****'! But no, Americans are programmed to suppoort the very office that sells them out every single day. Well, there is a price to pay, starting with the Latinos.

"Looks like Ms. Huerta, in addition to being a race baiter, is also a bit of a dim bulb." I've actually talked with Ms. Huerta and she is as dumb as a box of hammers.