Jeb Bush endorses John McCain
In the unlikely case that anyone's opposition to John McCain needed bolstering, now comes George W. Bush's brother and Florida governor Jeb Bush:
"John McCain is a patriot and devoted conservative leader... Like no other candidate in the field, John McCain has made tremendous sacrifices for this nation. He is beholden to no interest other than that of the public good [ed.: giving in to the demands of lettuce growers is part of the public good]. He is determined and steadfast in his commitment to reducing the burden of high taxes, restoring the people's trust in their government, and winning the war against radical Islamic extremists. It is with pride that I announce my endorsement of John McCain for president."
John McCain supporters include George Bush and three border state governors
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 02/11/2008 - 19:52
HS 13788 2008-02-11T21:52:28-06:00
so what? we all know what the Bush family is, tools of evil doers and big foreigen money.
Edward (not verified)
Mon, 02/11/2008 - 21:38
HS 13789 2008-02-11T23:38:20-06:00
Endorsed by the worst president in history, George Bush. As well as the MSM, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Mexico's President Calderon. Not exactly honorable names to be associated with. Has he won the coveted Ahmadinejad or Chavez endorsement yet? Now we can add Jeb to the list. And McCain is proud of the litany of OBL endorsements? America's least wanted candidate should have his picture posted alongside America's most wanted at the U.S. Post Office. No amnesty, no NAU, no McCain. Not ever.
Mary (not verified)
Tue, 02/12/2008 - 15:07
HS 13790 2008-02-12T17:07:13-06:0
Ring around the RINOS......This election is a farce all the way around......We are already enslaved and the fix is in.Americans are having NO say in how their country is run....that is obvious now thAT AMNESTY JOHN TAKES THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION...WHAT A FREAKING TRAVESTY!!!!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 02/13/2008 - 23:23
HS 13791 2008-02-14T01:23:45-06:00
Mary don't get mad, the system wants you to get mad and wants you inside a camp system called the former USA SO just go out and buy Guns, When the rats come for you; "you will know what to do".