What? Washington Post tells truth about Mike Huckabee in-state tuition
Posted Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 8:31 am
Apparently there's been some sort of cosmic shakeup or something, because the Washington Post has finally told the truth about something relating to immigration. Bearing in mind that this is probably just a fluke, Michael Dobbs' "Fact Checker" column basically agrees with my earlier assessment and says:
Of course, not everything is sweetness and light in WaPo land. Michael Dobbs has also denied the NAFTA Superhighway (link). And, both David Broder (link) and Howard Kurtz (link) previously retransmitted the Huck spin.
Asked about the measure during the November 28 CNN/YouTube debate, Huckabee said that his proposal applied to students who had been in Arkansas schools from the time they were "five or six years old," were "A-plus" students, "drug and alcohol-free", and in the process of "applying for citizenship." He implied that his support was limited to these students, a point reiterated by his spokeswoman Kirsten Fedewa.He gives him "three Pinocchios" for failing to tell the whole truth.
"He did not support in-state tuition," Fedewa said in an e-mail. "He supported scholarships for students who qualified."
The distinction that Huckabee is attempting to draw is an artificial one. His original State of the State address talked about making all Arkansas high school graduates eligible for state "financial aid," not just A-plus students applying for citizenship. It is true that Huckabee was particularly interested in the scholarship part of the bill. But it is untrue to claim that he "did not support in-state tuition" for illegal immigrants.
Of course, not everything is sweetness and light in WaPo land. Michael Dobbs has also denied the NAFTA Superhighway (link). And, both David Broder (link) and Howard Kurtz (link) previously retransmitted the Huck spin.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 12/18/2007 - 20:42
HS 13374 e10k@hotmail.com 2007-12-18T22:42:49-06:00
Just repeat after me: Mike Huckabee, President of the United States. Some dumbass hick governor who spouts bullshit like that, or has some staff hack do it for him.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 12/18/2007 - 21:42
HS 13375 dawes57@cox.net 2007-12-18T23:42:56-06:00
I think the system wants McCain; from what I can see all the big Jews are getting in line behind him, the fact is if the money start to go to McCain and hillary is told to stop her Race for the white house she will, Ron Paul is the guy to go to the white house but none of the money people want him, so I think within 3 months Huckabee will disappear, just wait and see I am right about this move. Understand one fact our vote means little or nothing inside this system, its all about one world and one third world.
mary (not verified)
Wed, 12/19/2007 - 01:34
HS 13376 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2007-12-19T03:34:07-06:0
Fred, I think you are right...It is amazing that the man many say is TOast is being resurrected by the mainstream...I wouldn't vote for MCain even if you waterboarded me....Fred ....You are right ..they mean to SHOVE their agenda down our throats...the recent fence abandonment proves it...We no longer control this country..not by a long shot! If we did BUSH would be arrested,jailed and tried for TREASON!
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Wed, 12/19/2007 - 18:29
HS 13377 admin@upolitix.com 2007-12-19T20:29:17-06:00
Look what they've done for Huckaboom. All they have to do is mention a name in a favorable light, in primetime, and beam it into a few million homes, and the polls will soon "reveal" a stunning change in support!
mary (not verified)
Wed, 12/19/2007 - 20:04
HS 13378 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2007-12-19T22:04:12-06:0
But I don't trust POLLS anyway.....depending on who runs it...if it is mainstream press...who the heck even reads their rags!!!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 12/20/2007 - 03:25
HS 13379 dawes57@cox.net 2007-12-20T05:25:58-06:00
the sad fact is the end game is being played out now not 10 years from now. this is what you got to do "start thinking about ways to live inside a third world hell or start finding ways to make a new Nation out of what the pigs don't want.