I'm switching to Huckabee! Catch THE HUCKABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's odd how even the mention of the name "Mike Huckabee" on a blog or similar will trigger an avalanche of glassier-eyed-than-many-Ron-Paul supporters ready to leave generic comments. Whether these are from real supporters or those who are paid to be the same, many of them have the same tenor. They're also quite busy at voting down comments that might reveal the truth.

For an example of the latter, see my -6 Diggs comment here.

For a prime example of the former, see the comment here:
For those of you that like to critize and take easy cheap shots at other people instead of looking for positive things to bring the nation up, you should first take the log out of your eye before trying to take the stick out of others.
That's from Matthew 7:3-5.
Americans want to experience positive change, they do not want to listen to mean spirited comments that only create division in America not unity. Those who critize are only running on ice, spining their wheels like a locomotive, but not going anywhere. It's time to hang up those old shoes of critism, and change to the positive, optimistic shoes that will bring happiness to all Americans.
Couldn't he have stuck to the wood-related metaphors? I'm getting confused.
Mike Huckabee is authentic, trustworthy, caring and humble. That's why his poll numbers are skyrocketing up at supersonic speeds. THE HUCKABOOM!!!!!!

NASA we have lift off, "One small step for Mike Huckabee and one giant leap for America."
It would be bad taste to even mention something about leaving the black Nikes at home, so I won't say anything about that.


here is the question for you: if not huckabee, then who of the other viable candidates is better? it seems to me that tanc, thompson and hunter aren't viable. ron paul for many years fully embraced libertarianism including the open borders part of it, mcain with his amnesty plan, guiliani with an almost full throated embracing of open boarders, and romney's flip flopping on every issue, including immigration. while i certianly don't agree with huck on scholarships, he did at least continue to stand behind his decision the same way he has on his other positions such as life, etc. it seems to me that a man who is wrong on one policy point but has offered a solid plan on immigration and demonstrated a willingness to stand steadfast behind his committments (or at least as much as can be expected by a politician and certainly more than the rest) deserves our due consideration. we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good and by way of 'sending a message' continue to elect people who will openly trade our national security for a fist full of dollars.

so all the big one world/third world money people are joining up to help in the dismantling of this nation understand one fact its all about evil and money and total control the mass third world population of our little brown brothers that are now here and waiting will be used against the ideals of freedom and will be part of the end game and many understand what that end game will be? buy guns make friends that have your ideals and want freedom from evil doers and who are willing to fight for that idea. Bush is Bin Laden Bush and his friends need you not to see that fact, ask where is Bin Laden ask who is who and what is what? Fred Thompson is on the one world Team.

Tex vote for Ron Paul all the others are one world people, but also understand the system is coming down and it will get real mean in the coming years before it start to attack people; at that point you can only do two things fight or get into some government/third world death camp.

Huckabee said Hispanics Offer U.S. \'Second Chance\' [1] I am having trouble understanding why betterimmigration.com gives Huckabee a better rating than Romney on illegal immigration [2]

[1] archive.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2006/12/6/110901.shtml
[2] www.betterimmigration.com/candidates/2006/prez08_gop1.html

ASSESSMENTS CHANGE WITH THE CANDIDATES: The NumbersUSA staff updates the candidate information pages every day. NumbersUSA Founder and CEO Roy Beck looks at those updates and adjusts his grading of the candidates based on the newest information of changes in candidate comments. ROY BECK’S CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING: “I look at these candidates ONLY in terms of what they have done about immigration and what they are promising to do on the issue. “I grade all these candidates on how well they promise to carry out the recommendations of two national commissions in the 1990s and on other widely accepted goals for reducing overall illegal and legal immigration. “I know that citizens choose to support a candidate based on many issues and on character and on past experience. I don’t endorse candidates because I don’t consider all those other aspects of the whole candidate. But I do candidly assess how each of them stacks up on immigration issues. “I give the most weight to an official statement of promises, unless the candidate has said or done something since stating the policy to cast doubt on the promise. “Absent an official policy, I give considerable weight to recent public statements. I leave room for candidates to shift positions; I don’t forever label them based on past statements or actions. The point here is what a candidate is most likely to do in the future as President, not grade them on past performances. But when current statements are ambiguous, contradictory, less than enthusiastically embraced or non-existent, I use past actions to help assess. "If a candidate has said or done something new that calls into question a rating in a category, we will place black question marks (? ? ? ?) until we have sorted out where the rating should be."

The media says his name for a few weeks and now everybody is a Huckabee voter. If this isn't an obvious enough example of the media's mind control in action, you're brain dead. Likewise Tex's idea of who is "viable" and who isn't. Huckabee is an amnesty and open border liberal. If you think otherwise you're a fool.

Huckabee has a liberal mindset about the role of government to solve all ills of humanity. Regardless of his inspiration, I can't stomach the horrific consequences of his socialistic solutions. His record (past behavior) tells me how much contempt he has for my ability to take care of myself in a free society.

tanstaafI is right, the system wants us out and wants the third world people who can be used, if you know what i mean.

vote for Ron Paul or fight a race/civil war within 10 years, Huckabee is a system guy who hates you and this Nation.