It was five years and a week ago today

The 22nd of this month marked the fifth anniversary of this site in its current form; everyone is invited to raise a styrofoam cup of Diet Shasta in commemoration of that momentous event. In early 2004 I listed some of this site's accomplishments and noteworthy achievements. I haven't really done anything since then, but I did change the format of the site since that time so at least I've got that going for me.


Congratulations!! You have a GREAT site..Keep it up!....I have learned much.......I love it!

Congrats! and Thanks for all the great work you do.

Glückwunsch. You do a GREAT JOB.

Congrats. This Cactus Cooler is for you, Lonewacko.

Best immigration blog on the 'net. Kudos.

I agree with The Other Mary. Keep it up LW.

Great blog. Your efforts are appreciated.

Congrats Wacko! For most people sticking with a website for a month is a long time, but 5 Years... You're officially old school now. Thanks for keeping the attention on this issue.