Ruth Morris, Elizabeth Baier/Sun-Sentinel also concerned re amnesty hurting GOP with Latinos
Posted Sun, Jul 1, 2007 at 7:36 pm
What a coincidence it is as Ruth Morris and Elizabeth Baier of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel offer "Hispanic voters could make GOP pay for defeat of immigration legislation". If you've already read today's highly similar article from Jennifer Steinhauer of the New York Times, you probably don't need to bother:
From a related story:
With the Senate immigration bill dead and buried, political activists say their next battle will be at the ballot box, where Republicans risk losing hard-earned votes among Hispanic immigrants...Yep, Blut is definitely thicker than what's best for the country.
"Hispanics are not going to forget," said Jorge Mursuli, national executive director of Democracia Ahora, a Hispanic advocacy group active in voter registration drives...
"This is about their mothers or their kids or their best friend," Mursuli said. "It will be with them every single day, up to the ballot box." ..."It hurts me to see all the people who are struggling to be here," [a nobody] said. "I'm Hispanic. I support any reform that helps other Hispanics ... We're all very united."
From a related story:
"Whatever political gain people think may have come out of this vote will be short-lived, especially in light of the growing and increasingly energized Latino electorate," [Janet Murguia, president and chief executive officer of the National Council of La Raza] said. "In the long run, legislators should and will be held accountable for not moving a solution forward."
llamajockey (not verified)
Mon, 07/02/2007 - 05:11
HS 11489 2007-07-02T07:11:40-05:00
lonewacko, Perhaps you could find a way to determine if La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, MEChA, ANSWER... will be planning on traveling to either of next years political conventions in order to protest on behalf of their OPEN BORDERS and Pro-Amnesty agendas. Because I have a real hard time not believing that showing up at the Democratic convention in Denver waving Mexican, Colonial, ANSWER, Free Mumia, Lou Dobbs is a racist and Trancredo = Hitler flags will hurt the Democrats big time. "El mundo entero mira" anyone? It is be hard enough just trying to keep Kennedy, Gutierrez and Salazar away from the limelight and spewing their Open Borders, pro-amnesty rhetoric on national TV. All the Democrats need is a lengthy discussion of what all the fuss about Aztlan is for on the major networks. Likewise showing up in Saint Paul and screaming how the Republicans are racists will only serve to solidify the GOP base. Like I have said the Democrats need to find some way to diffuse the potential explosive expectations of the Latino Open Borders lobby and their Lefty Multi-culturalist allies before it is too late.
Jackbenimble (not verified)
Mon, 07/02/2007 - 16:46
HS 11490 2007-07-02T18:46:23-05:00
How did the 1986 Reagan Amnesty (Simpson-Mazzoli Act) work out for Republicans in California? Reagan was a Republican. Alan Simpson who was one of the chief sponsors of the bill was a Republican. It was passed by many Republicans in the House and the Senate. Did the 1986 amnesty cause large numbers of newly minted, previously illegal, Hispanic American citizens to vote for Republicans in California or any other state? .... I thought not! The current batch of illegals won't vote for Republican either no matter how much the Republicans engage in 'hispandering' because no matter what the Republican promise, the Democrats will promise more. Nobody can outpander a Democrat. The Republicans should stick to their principles and reject amnesty. We'll get a few Hispanic votes and as they move up the economic ladder we will get more.
Jaded (not verified)
Mon, 07/02/2007 - 17:55
HS 11491 2007-07-02T19:55:28-05:00
The Republicans never had the Latino vote anyway and by the way who gives a crap we the now voters had our say and we will have the last say at the voting box. This bigot is telling the race "laraza" to go back to hell from whence they have come.
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Tue, 07/03/2007 - 00:18
HS 11492 2007-07-03T02:18:49-05:00
Rasmussen is reporting the GOP has increased its membership since the scamnesty bill: