AVWatch: Antonio Villaraigosa, wife separate

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This is usually the type of stuff we don't cover, but, from earlier this year:

Apparently responding to blogger Luke Ford’s allegation that the Villaraigosas had split up, the mayor told the Times last night that the entire family — himself, Corina and the two teenage children — is living at Getty House. "Absolutely not true," Villaraigosa said of the gossip. "We are not separated."

He also said he hadn't been wearing his wedding ring... because he'd lost weight.


After several months of intense speculation amount his marital status, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced Friday that he and his wife, Corina, are separating after more than 20 years of marriage.

While some - including some very socially conservative Hispanics - will be upset about the divorce itself, the more relevant issue for our purposes is that, once again, Villaraigosa is shown to be a dissembler.

UPDATE: Someone here asks:

Will he go back to his maiden name?

(For those who haven't been following the life and times of one of the former leaders of the racial separatist group MEChA, he was originally called "Tony Villar".)


oh come on you don't mean this little Mexican and double-deading guy of Mexico would tell you something false do you? let us all hope villaraigose get's his ball's cut off by his little wife! it would be total justice!

Didn't his wife file for divorce sometime in the mid-90's?