Al Qaqaa munitions dump is back; BushBot response?
Posted Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 10:23 am · short link
Remember the al Qaqaa dustup shortly before the 2004 election, in which a few reports said that large amounts of munitions had been looted from Iraq munitions dumps, prompting a furious response from the usual suspects who did everything within their powers to support massive Bush administration incompetence? Now, the GAO has weighed in:
TalkingPointsMemo was also on the case: here and posts before and after that.
Oddly enough, the usual suspects appear to be silent this time around. Maybe we should be proactive and seek out their current thoughts.
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The U.S. military's faulty war plans and insufficient troops in Iraq left thousands and possibly millions of tons of conventional munitions unsecured or in the hands of insurgent groups after the 2003 invasion -- allowing widespread looting of weapons and explosives used to make roadside bombs that cause the bulk of U.S. casualties, according to a government report released yesterday.While I appear to have mentioned this here once ("Should conservatives support Kerry?"), I posted several entries about this at the and in comments elsewhere. Here's a roundup and another, here's someone else downplaying it and someone else, and here's a link to a (now missing) video report.
Some weapons sites remained vulnerable as recently as October 2006, according to the Government Accountability Office report, which said the unguarded sites "will likely continue to support terrorist attacks throughout the region." For example, it said hundreds of tons of explosives at the Al Qa Qaa facility in Iraq that had been documented by the International Atomic Energy Agency were lost to theft and looting after April 9, 2003...
TalkingPointsMemo was also on the case: here and posts before and after that.
Oddly enough, the usual suspects appear to be silent this time around. Maybe we should be proactive and seek out their current thoughts.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 03/23/2007 - 19:42
HS 10516 2007-03-23T21:42:29-05:00
Its pointless! the system must want us removed from the face of the earth! let's look at facts. 20 to 40 million aliens so called people are now inside this joke of a country/nation all want one thing you removed! if you know what I mean? over 1 million red chinese coming each year, 10 to 20 million race hate people called workers from mexico city! AND ALL OVER THE EARTH, its not innocent workers Coming here for money to send home to the kids but a real invasion, and the guys being OFF'ED In Iraq its only part of the plan, sad fact we need the guys back here to remove the evil rats inside the halls of corruption and power who love our enemies inside place's like mexico city and red China, but that will never happen "we the people will be removed from the face of the earth and replaced by our little brown brother", so don't get mad just look at this story of so called "Administration Incompetence", its only part of the plan to remove us from the face of the earth and "Bush" is only doing his job. and may God help you all.