NORTHCOM at North American Forum: "evolution by stealth"

Back in September, a semi-secret meeting of the "North American Forum" was held in Canada, and several very highly-placed supposed U.S. citizens attended, including a few from the U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM):

* NORTHCOM Commander, Admiral Timothy Keating
* Political Advisor Deborah Bolton
* Plans, Policy & Strategy Director Major General Mark Volcheff

Now, Judicial Watch has obtained their notes with an FOIA request:
...The North American Forum presentations discussed immigration and border enforcement; full economic and energy integration including infrastructure and transportation; a North American investment fund; and common customs and duties. The idea of a carbon tax was raised as a means to combat so-called global warming. References to the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) occur throughout the documents.

The notes for the presentations document the need to overcome popular opposition to North American integration: "To what degree does a concept of North America help/hinder solving problems between the three countries? ...While a vision is appealing working on the infrastructure might yield more benefit and bring more people on board ('evolution by stealth')."
Has there been a coup that we weren't informed of? If military officials are discussing creating a supra-national entity in such terms, it's long past time for Congress to step into their designated role and look into this issue.


Yes, there's been a coup we're not aware of. But I think we can still pull out of it if enough people are aware. I have set up a site, initially for local people to fight the Trans-Texas Corridor and illegal immigration, both parts of the Security and Prosperity Partnership / North American Union. Please visit While you're there, please look at "Building A North American Union" under SPP and watch U.S. Representative Kapture's speech under "Opponent of SPP - Alamo Alliance."

Thank you, Lone Wacko, for your efforts in telling about the SPP.

You'll find a timeline (upper left corner) of the North American Union.

You can print it, distribute it, or send it to your friends - especially to the non-believers:

No one really believes that Bush or Calderon pulls the strings, do they? And Congress can't find the mens room without a map, so they don't stand a chance against this foe. Hope they try, anyway. Evil is not fond of the daylight.