Washington Post's pro-illegal immigration sob stories

A pro-illegal immigration series the Washington Post did in December of last year is described here. Five WaPo writers wrote three articles telling the story of an illegal alien who fled from cops and fell from a bridge. As you might expect, the WaPo did a complicated dance around his immigration status.

The writers involved were: Mary Beth Sheridan, Ian Shapira, Candace Rondeaux, Allison Klein, and Theresa Vargas.

The link also includes this quote from Washington Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell:

"Journalists tend to be softhearted toward the afflicted or the underdog, which tends to make them less critical of illegal immigrants."

Actually, I believe there's something else at work, at least at a level higher than that of the lowly reporters. In the Washington Post's case, they've advocated for illegal immigration in order to keep the "boom burbs" outside DC humming away. Perhaps some other paper should "follow the money" and see whether the WaPo has some sort of a profit motive somewhere.