Pro-illegal immigration ACLU meddling in Butler County, Ohio

To the best of my knowledge, every single immigration-related matter that the ACLU has been involved in does not involve support for our laws but rather supports massive illegal immigration. Continuing that trend, the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio says they're going to act as "watchdogs" over Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones due to his request to the DHS that would allow him to detain suspected illegal aliens:
...The ACLU has requested copies of the agreement [with the DHS] from both the sheriff's office and ICE.

"Sheriff Jones has already demonstrated hostility towards the Hispanic population in Butler County," ACLU of Ohio Staff Attorney Carrie Davis said in a statement. "It is important to review the document and discern what he can and cannot do under this agreement and ensure he stays within those boundaries."

Davis criticized the erection earlier this year of billboards around the county featuring Jones threatening local businesses that hire illegal immigrants and his detention of 18 suspected illegal immigrants in May after an altercation at a construction site near Seven Mile.
Neighboring Warren County will be making a similar request to the DHS.

Some brave reporter somewhere should ask the ACLU why they're always on the side of illegal immigration, as well as asking about their indirect link to the Mexican government.


Today I saw a bishop on CNN decrying the "suffering and anguish" of illegals crossing our border and then read an article about those people crossing the border to visit relatives during Christmas and staying so long the school district had to change its vacation schedule! Guess they're not in that much anguish, right?

Santa Ana Gives In

Maybe the sheriff just has hostility towards lawbreakers? Fine with me. Thanks, Sheriff Jones! I think the answer to lonewacko is that, if latin american stayed on their side of the border, the aclu would have no money and no reason to exist. Fred is right, lawyers are expensive, only a drug dealer or politician could afford one.

You must keep one thing in mind, its the drug money that is doing you! soon with the North American Union mexico city will be getting up to 30 percent of your tax dollar, that is what is happening here.
sheriff jones is a good guy but he can't get it into his head that all laws are race political laws now inside the former USA, See it for what it is, jones will someday be inside a mexican prison, ACLU Is a tool of mexico city and washingtion D.C. Both hate our freedoms.

and may God Help Jones in his fight against evil doers.