I for one welcome our new Democratic overlords

Going forward, our putatively American president will be pushing for "comprehensive immigration reform". Will the Dems go along? Not too many Dems came right out and said they were for amnesty. Some basically lied and played word games. Despite the siren calls from TV pundits like Fareed Zakaria and others, most Dems probably realize that most Americans do not want amnesty. And, the Dems will want to maintain their power past 2008. The Republicans who remain will want to take that power away.

Could those competing forces be used to make sure that no amnesty passes? Yes, as long as one of those groups - either the GOP or Dems - is made to realize that the benefits (money and power) they'd receive from passing a massive amnesty are less than the costs they'd incur.

The way to do that is to make sure that they understand that "comprehensive immigration reform" would be seen as an amnesty, and that the party - or the individual politicians - who pushed it through would lose their next election.

So, I would suggest concentrating on reinforcing the concept that millions of prospective illegal aliens around the world would see "comprehensive immigration reform" as an amnesty and would try to come here and would end up making our illegal immigration problem even worse. Only very few politicians would think that would be an acceptable situation for voters.

And, I would suggest continuing to attempt to discredit those news sources, pundits, bloggers, etc. who promote "comprehensive immigration reform". Without their support it would be much more difficult for amnesty proponents to push anything through.


Agree with Stacy. Block amnesty and I might take it easy on their other demo/socialist agendas. Might even say "Thank You".

If there were enough Dems to truly block amnesty/path-to-citizenship/"guest" workers, they would have my eternal gratitude and I would thereafter be fully willing to put up with the various and sundry shortcomings of their party for that alone.

"I for one welcome our new Democratic overlords"

In the recent amnesty votes in Congress, the Democrats nearly unanimously supported amnesty, while a majority of Republicans were opposed.

Others besides you (i.e. American Conservative, http://www.amconmag.com/2006/2006_11_20/feature.html) are saying that the Democrats in the House will steer away from amnesty, but I will believe it when I see it.