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barbara boxer dianne feinstein phil angelides


excellent pic ;]

But what message can Arnold possibly take from this?

Does it matter? Especially after his recent pandering, e.g. calling that stupid letter a "hate crime", I think it's clear he's pretty much conventionally bad in a PC sort of way on most issues. Besides being an obvious foreigner.

It was tough--I voted for Olivier and Bowen, though. Hope they get the message. But what message can Arnold possibly take from this? He can't run for president...does he want a Senate seat after Feinstein retires?

Any thoughtful person concerned about the disastrous war in Iraq has a difficult choice to make: on the one hand, voting to maintain Republican control of the House most likely means no change in Iraq policy; on the other hand, handing the House to the Democrats likely means some sort of equally (but in a different way) bad form of immigration 'reform' will pass, but perhaps (although not for certain) a change in policy regarding Iraq.