Orlando Florida: Meet the amnesty all-stars on October 9

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If you're in the Orlando Florida area, you might want to visit the University of Central Florida on October 9 for a "symposium" on illegal immigration. While a few of those speaking might be opposed to amnesty, most are cheap labor cheerleaders. It's free, but it's not known whether there will be a Q&A session; if there is, I strongly urge you to think up a series of very damning questions and ask at least one of them. Publicly discrediting even just one cheap labor pimp will send a strong message to the others.

Those scheduled to appear include:

- U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez, (R-FL)
- Undersecretary Geronimo Gutierrez of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- columnists Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel
- former U.S. Rep. Romano L. Mazzoli (D-KY)
- Bishop Thomas Wenski of the Catholic Diocese of Orlando
- David Harris, "a former intelligence official with the Canadian government who now directs Insignis Strategic Research in Ottawa."
- U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney, (R-FL)
- U.S. Rep. Ric Keller, (R-FL)
- Chester Glover, ("an aide to U.S. Rep. Corinne Brown, D-Jacksonville.")
- Noah Pickus, "associate director of Duke University’s Kenan Institute of Ethics"
- Dennis Clare, "an immigration attorney from Lexington, Ky."