Video: Gil Cedillo compares immigration reform to ending slavery and more

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[UPDATE: The video is no longer there, but I uploaded a cached copy and have a longer discussion of his comments here.]

Those of you with strong constitutions can watch this six minute video (AVI file) of California state senator Gil Cedillo discussing Gloria Romero's resolution in support of foreign citizens making a show of force and marching in our streets.

The video was shot on an unknown date, presumably in late April. The resolution was in support of the "Great American Boycott" of May 1.

Cedillo doesn't say anything extremely damning (as in, there are no shouts of "Aztlan Now!" or anything), but in his own sleep-inducing way he extols illegal aliens "keeping us competitive" and, while he doesn't say it, doing the jobs Americans supposedly won't do.

Then, he compares giving amnesty to illegal aliens to:

* Ending U.S. slavery
* Giving women the right to vote
* Ending Japanese internment

And, he complains about illegal aliens being allowed to work because the laws aren't enforced, but, obviously, he, his cohorts, and the illegal immigration-supporting infrastructure of which he's a part are a major part of the problem. On the rare occasions when the laws were actually enforced he and his compadres are among the first to complain.

He also brings up the illegal immigration marchers and their "American flags". Of course, most of the flags were originally Mexican until they realized that was bad PR. Likewise with Cedillo, who some years ago said we should give driver's licenses to illegal aliens because "they were here first". Nowadays he says it's for "public safety". Some have even been more transparent. Sorry, no one's buying it.


Those who employ the illegal criminals really are participating in slavery. Why do you think they don't want anything to change? Slave wages is slavery. The Mexicans may as well learn to say 'yes masta' in english.

this guy like most want one thing power and with power comes money and woman and the good life, but what follows is hell. romero's and cedillo are just part of a system of corruption and part of the ideals of mexico and its corruption!