"Seeing Todaya
Heather MacDonald has a long article just tailor-made for illegal immigration apologists. It's too much to quote, but here's a representative paragraph:
This call for "human rights" is a clever one, for it hides its radical status in a rhetorical safe harbor. What, exactly, are the "human rights" that the U.S. is denying illegal aliens? They have unfettered access to free medical care, free education, welfare for their children, free representation in court when they commit crimes, every due-process protection during criminal prosecution that the Constitution guarantees citizens and legal immigrants, the shelter of labor laws, and the miracles of modern industrial society like clean water, the control of infectious diseases (including the ones that they bring with them), and plumbing. The only putative "right" that they lack—and that, of course, is the "human right" to which they and their ambassadors refer—is the right to legal status regardless of illegal entry.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 07/19/2006 - 11:08
Oh I can see the future now! 50 years from now only hispanics voting only hispanics ruling.
the future has no human or civil rights only race rights and little if nothing outside the race, just like La Raza and MEcha has told you one million time before!
but lets face facts just look at the ruler's in mexico and south america all are white guys, that will rule the fools and if any whites or blacks are still alive inside the new third world hell "may god help that poor person", the NON Government of the one world ideal really wants that to happen.
buy guns.