"Comprehensive Moral Squalor"

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This is a bit... strong:
The Hagel-Martinez Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 is a swindle wrapped in a deception inside a lie. Although marketed as immigration reform, the bill provides corporate welfare on an unprecedented scale. Hagel-Martinez is a historically significant bait and switch that will diminish the prosperity of the average citizen.

The goal of this malignant legislation is to restructure the American economy. Since it is logistically impossible for Corporate America to export all lower income jobs, business yearns to fill those positions with cheap imported labor. Under Hagel-Martinez, legal immigration will double and the percentage of work visas going to unskilled laborers will more than triple. Given that low cost workers are being recruited specifically to reduce the wage scale, the immigrants will not be making enough money nor paying sufficient taxes to pull their own weight. Subsidizing the social program needs of the Fortune 500’s burgeoning coolie workforce will be the responsibility of the middle class...
The same author also has a long series on former GE CEO Jack Welch in regards to the "Gore victory".