Angelides for Governor!

[As part of this site's equal time provision, we're publishing the following entry from an unnamed party known only as "TruProgressive". We have confirmed, however, that this person is not Bob Mulholland. This site does not endorse the message in any way.]

The only true progressive in the race for governor of California is Phil Angelides. He's right on the issues, and he is the only choice if you want to bring true democracy to California.

"We Can Count on Phil" isn't just a slogan, it's how he would govern this state. He will spend billions of dollars to upgrade our schools, hire new teachers, and make sure that every resident of the state - whether documented or not - can attend college. He will also spend billions of dollars on investing in our communities.

Phil has been endorsed by a wide spectrum of highly-admired Californians, from the SEIU to the California Teachers Association and from California Professional Firefighters to the California Labor Federation. Unlike the other choices, he is not in the pocket of large corporations or special interests.

I urge you to vote for Phil Angelides, the only Democrat who can beat Arnold!


I did but it may be a good thing or become a joke on us as mexican cops start to round people up for mexico and bin laden, its just one more joke, let us see who will become the head monkey?

buy guns be free.

I'll vote for anyone who's in the pocket of the SEIU!