Will Communists thank "conservatives" for helping them build a proletariat?

Here are pictures from an illegal immigration march in Lynwood (near Compton) earlier today.

Note the large number of placards from the Communist front group ANSWER LA. It's not just corporatists who profit or seek to profit off illegal immigration. Many on the far-left apparently see massive illegal immigration as a chance to build a proletariat and advance their ideologies. There are only so many native-born Americans who could help them build Communism; those groups would be rather foolish to turn down an imported proletariat. Note that ANSWER was involved in at least two near-riots involving illegal immigration: the Baldwin Park and Garden Grove incidents. And, note the play that "immigrants rights" is currently getting on their site (answerla.org), which also lists the organizers of this rally:

Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, Coalicion Latinoamericana, The Southeast Sun Newspaper, Consejo de Fedraciones Mexicanas, Club Ecuestre de Charros de Compton y Carson, Centro Azteca, Bert Corona Foudation, Camara Latinoamericana de Comercio de Lynwood, Frente Comunitario Sur, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, Simon Bolivar Asociation and others.