Voting: the next demand illegal aliens will make

Hundreds of thousands of foreign citizens recently marched in our streets, demanding to be given the rights of citizens. The Senate looks to capitulate to their demands, giving them some form of legality. Needless to say, this will set a very dangerous precedent. And, it will give a great deal more power to those on the other side and cause them to make even greater demands.

The next demand I expect them to make concerns the right to vote. It might start out with just being open to legal immigrants, but then the demand will be made - perhaps backed with a show of force - to extend it to anyone "regardless of status".

In fact, the other side has already claimed victory in one case: "Non-Citizens Expected to Get Voting Rights in NYC":
Legislation granting non-citizens the right to vote is expected to pass in New York City this year, immigration rights advocates tell the Amsterdam News.

"We're very excited and very optimistic that this will pass," New York City Councilman Charles Barron said at a recent press briefing...

Dubbed the "Voting Rights Restoration Act," the measure would permit immigrants who have a green card to vote in municipal elections, including for mayor, comptroller and city council, after having lived in the city for six months.

The New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights sees the measure being extended one day to state and even federal elections. "There is nothing in either the U.S. or the New York State Constitution that prevents us from expanding the franchise to include non-citizen residents," a spokesman for the group argued in January.
If you want to see the thoughts of some really useless idiots, check out the NYCEVR's press page. Even the most corrupt Republican Senator should be quaking in his loafers over the possibility of illegal aliens - no matter how much previously pandered to - having the vote.

Will illegal aliens get voting rights because of corrupt Republicans?
Bloomberg opposes non-citizen voting for New Yorkers (just don't take away his greenskeepers!)
"Little to stop illegal aliens from voting"
Mexican agents in the state houses?
Another attempt to give illegal aliens the vote
Leland Yee's plans
MALDEF's and UCLA's plans



Lonewacko: You are right; the push is on to get voting rights for all immigrants, legal and illegal. The result is simple and easy to understand.
1) Illegal immigrants are mostly uneducated and unskilled and very demanding of social services. Their natural home is with demagogues of the Democrat party who will promise them anything for their votes.
2) They will block-vote Democrat and in such numbers to capture control of the Democrat left.
4) Continued amnesty and additional rights such as voting will swell the number of illegal immigrants far beyond the current millions per year.
3) This will make the Democrat party the permanent, dominant party in the US; the dreams of Karl Rove and President Bush of Hispanic drift to the GOP will be shown to be pipe dreams.
4) Dominance of the Democrat party will accelerate until we have essentially a one party system in the US.
QUESTION: Can representative democracy survive in a one party system?