Will Bill Frist monkeywrench Arlen Specter's disastrous amnesty scheme?
Posted Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 7:53 am
Bill Frist might introduce an "enforcement-only" bill in the Senate, which might then overshadow Arlen Specter's - dare I say it - un-American massive amnesty scheme:
Judiciary members on both sides, however, cautioned Mr. Frist not to bypass them."Unique expertise" indeed. While I personally doubt Frist's understanding and commitment to this issue, if he can come up with a plan that doesn't have too many downsides and doesn't include "guest" workers he will have done a great service.
"The majority leader is wrong," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat. "It's impossible to build a political consensus in that time. We need time. We need time to talk."
In a letter to Mr. Frist yesterday, Mrs. Feinstein and two other Judiciary Democrats pleaded for the majority leader to remain on the sidelines.
"The Judiciary Committee has unique expertise on immigration law and, under the leadership of Chairman Specter, is working diligently to mark up a comprehensive immigration reform bill," wrote Mrs. Feinstein and Sens. Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont and Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. "The Senate would be well-served by the benefit of a complete committee markup, even if a brief extension of time is required to produce one."
LomaAlta (not verified)
Thu, 03/16/2006 - 13:48
If Kennedy and Leahy are for an extension, then all people of good faith should be against it.
All people of ok faith too.
All people of fair to middlin faith too.
All people of poor faith too.
The rats and roaches like Kennedy and Leahy know they are up to no good.