Banned by RedState!

It might just be a technical problem, or I might have finally been banned by

Yesterday around this time I re-posted the entry Bush "Gold Card" would open borders to cheap labor at RedState, and it still shows up in

The URL in that picture goes to a moderation page:

the-lonewacko-blog.redstate . com/story/2006/3/6/232229/3836

And, while my diary is still there (the-lonewacko-blog ., there are no links allowing me to comment on stories.

It might just be a technical glitch, or I might have been banned. I have been warned, so it's not like I wasn't expecting something like this to happen eventually.

Note also that someone else has posted on the very same story about "gold cards" for illegal aliens, and he doesn't appear to have been banned:

wubbies-world.redstate . com/story/2006/3/7/154912/2175

I've sent an email, and let's see what happens.