Free Cindy Sheehan! Free Cindy Sheehan!

This site stands in solidarity with loony activist - and proud Democrat - Cindy Sheehan.

There's obsessive coverage of her arrest at the SOTU here, including a picture of the shirt.

And, from this:
...Capitol Police Sgt. Kimberly Schneider told the Associated Press that Sheehan kept the anti-war slogan covered until she took her seat. When they noticed her politically charged attire, police warned Sheehan that such displays were not allowed...

Sheehan had received a House gallery pass to attend the speech as a guest of San Francisco Democrat Lynn Woolsey, whose spokesman told reporters that protesting Peace Mom had promised to remain respectful and not cause any disruptions while the president spoke.
She probably had a First Amendment right to wear the shirt, just as long as she wasn't disrupting the proceedings. And, it's cases like this that the new federal police force might address. Under that provision, she might be charged with a federal felony instead of a local misdemeanor.

So, this site is a bit torn, especially since similar things have happened in the past. It would be nice if this had been yet another chance to point out just how low class much of the left is, rather than yet another opportunity to discuss the modern GOP's difficulties with basic American principles.


Come on Pat! Cindy is not a nut and she is not dangerous. The only danger she presents to George Bush is in the fact that George's position in the country and the world in general, is fast deteriorating. George is afraid Cindy will accelerate that deterioration and that is why he had her arrested and hauled away before she had a chance to do anything at all. And you are afraid that Cindy is so dangerous that, in your words, "he doesn't deserve to get shot." Wake the fuck up, Pat! Cindy is being used by a bunch of Washington DC politicians to fuck with George in a way that they are afraid to do themselves. Cindy is an old woman who is against the war and against Bush's whole fuckin' way of running the country. Cindy is not some whacko Charlie Manson girl. Personally, I think Cindy is a little silly myself. She's damn sure not dangerous. Hell man, I'm a thousand times more dangerous than Cindy, but Bush doesn't have to worry about me either. King George doesn't have to worry about shit. And he's gonna keep it that way.

I agree it was a bit severe, but she is such a nut she could have done real damage. When Bush or other lawmakers are present, she should be held to a higher standard. As much as I don't like his immigration policy, he doesn't deserve to get shot.