Porn sicko Max Hardcore raided by FBI
Finally! The FBI raided the headquarters of porn producer Max Hardcore earlier today, and I fully welcome this move.
What's that? This has nothing to do with him making crap movies featuring heavily-spraypainted dumbed-down dumb bimbos who wear socks and streetwalker-grade high heel shoes doing things that aren't exactly in my own personal kink inventory? You say it looks like they're trying to get him on featuring underage starlets? Somehow I don't think that's likely considering all the onerous paperwork requirements those who make erotic cinema must endure.
While I don't know the charges, and whatever they are they may turn out to be true, MH isn't exactly a back-alley (so to speak) producer. So, I'm highly skeptical, especially since they involved five titles and one might not think that MH would make the same mistake five or more times.
This is just another example of how the Bush administration is wrong on so many levels.
UPDATE: There's a little more here.