Terorists making fun of Dear Leader!
Posted Sat, Oct 1, 2005 at 2:18 am
Few people prank whole countries, especially those with nuclear capabilities. However, I believe that someone using the name "J. Nelson Kwango" and claiming to be from the country of Cameroon has pulled a prank on our comrades and friends from North Korea. From the message boards of their Korean Friendship Association site (yes, that's really North Korea's site), comes this:

Subject: Terorists makng fun of DPRK and Dear Leader!No one appears to catch on, but near the end the real commies step in and shut down the thread. Don't want to give the film undue publicity and all.
I am terrored! A film has just arrived on the markets of Cameroon, this film the American Police Team [he means Team America - World Police (Special Collector's Widescreen Edition)-- LW] or some name that is similar. My nephew, purchased this and asked me to watch because he said is had something to do with DPRK. The shock I see! The general, beloved general, Kim Jong Il is a puppet character in this film and speaking the most offending things! He swears in English, kills his interpreter, and turns into a small insect at the end. They make the Dear Leader to be evil man, and lonely man. They find risible the undying love of the Korean people? They think the leadership of DPRK and the revolution is a joke? Forgive me for saying but makers of this film are bastard people! I denounce them and curse them! Bastard people!
Can we not complain to someone about such slander? Why has not the KCNA denounced this piece of capitalist propaganda? To think that they make light of the general and debase his greatness!
J Nelson