Poll: 58% favor tighter immigration controls to strengthen national security
Posted Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 11:25 am
The article "Democrats gain edge on border security" directs our attention to this recent poll:
One national tracking survey by the nonpartisan Public Agenda Confidence in U.S. Foreign Policy Index ranks stemming the flow of illegal immigration as a top international relations concern for the American public.If you download the PDF at the second link, you'll see that only one other question got a greater "a great deal" percentage: "Improving the effectiveness of our intelligence operations". The statement "it may be too easy for illegal immigrants to come into the country" generated 42% who "worry a lot" and 31% who "worry somewhat". Only 27% "don't worry". Only 2% named immigration as the "most important problem facing the United States in its dealings with the rest of the world". It probably isn't, so it would have been a bit more complicated but a more complete picture if people had been asked to rank the top five issues or so. The AZ Republic article also contains this:
Asked by the survey to rank proposals to improve U.S. security, respondents rated the tightening of immigration second only to improving U.S. intelligence operations.
Three-quarters of the 1,004 Americans surveyed for the index from June 1 to June 13 gave the United States a "C" grade or worse in protecting the borders, with nearly one-quarter handing out an "F" grade. Fifty-eight percent said tighter controls on immigration would strengthen national security "a great deal." The margin of error for the survey was plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Luis Miranda, a Democratic National Committee spokesman, stopped short of acknowledging there is a concerted strategy by the party and its candidates to seize on immigration as a potential wedge issue.
But he said the Bush administration and Republicans who control both chambers of Congress "haven't addressed the need for comprehensive immigration reform . . . leaving states in a bind."