The ADL should learn about logical fallacies

The ADL has emitted a press release entitled "Racist Groups Exploit Immigration Issues in Effort to Promote Anti-Hispanic Agenda". A similar game to the Where's Waldo series can be played with this charming document. The challenge for the reader: locate all of the logical fallacies present. So far, I've noticed several instances of guilt-by-association and selective quoting. The latter instances result in outright lying. How many lies can you spot?

Expect the usual suspects to refer to this document, so if someone would be kind enough to compile a list that might be helpful in helping to further discredit far-left supporters of illegal immigration.


"I've noticed several instances of guilt-by-association and selective quoting"

Yeah, yer an expurt on that

Perhaps the ADL should look at its own
recently released survey, which shows
that 35% of Hispanic Immigrants fall in the
most anti-Semitic category, as opposed to
only 9% of Whites.