Would Al Franken be any worse than Norm Coleman?
Posted Mon, Jun 6, 2005 at 12:51 pm
Air America Radio's Al Franken is considering running for Senator from Minnesota. If he wants a plank that would get a lot of support and would be pro-American, he might want to take a look at the June 19, 2004 press release "Coleman calls discussions with president Vicente Fox of Mexico positive on issues important to Minnesota". If you've just eaten, come back to this post in an hour:
Senator Norm Coleman, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps and Narcotics, emerged from an appearance and one-on-one meeting with President Vicente Fox of Mexico with good news on several issues of importance to Minnesota, including the announcement that a Mexican consulate will be opened soon in Minnesota...Hardly suppressing his schoolgirl-like glee, Coleman (a United States Senator) continued:
Earlier in the afternoon Coleman was also with President Fox at Cesar Chavez Charter School in St. Paul when he made the surprise announcement that he wanted to open a Mexican consulate in Minnesota as soon as possible...
"In his speech he did say there would be a Mexican Consulate, 'aqui', and he was in St. Paul... In my basic Spanish that translates as 'here,' so I take that to mean St. Paul. The details still need to be worked out."I'm sure Fox said some other things involving the word "aqui", but Coleman didn't understand them. See the links at the end of "Minneapolisians celebrate diversity, global connectedness, sweetness, light" for more on that troubled state. For a later report on the consulate, see "Is the Onion based in Minneapolis?"