Newsweek: Racial Power!
This week's Newsweek focuses on racial power, specifically White Power. They cover recent elections won by white people, and suggest that, while White Power is great, in order to win future elections whites need to reach out to other races.
Oh, wait! I got that wrong! This week's Newsweek features Black Power.
Ooops. I've been informed that was wrong too. The cover is actually called "Latino Power". Whew! For a moment there I thought they were discussing the bad kind of racial power. Instead, it's the good kind!
The whole issue is about racial power, and the link is to what we can assume is their flagship article. It states that John Kerry could be president today if he'd won Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. That part is true. However, they're confused over how he could have won. Instead of reaching out to Hispanics by, for instance, being even more Open Borders than he already was, he could have won by stressing the American concept of borders.
It also contains this:
Some Latinos see a political opening in Bush's immigration policies—arguing that the president's guest-worker program, for example, does not do nearly enough to help the community that has shown him so much support.
So, despite what 75% of Americans want, President Bush should be even more "liberal". Then, millions more will come. And, they will presumably have even more power to invite in even more people of their same race. And on and on...
And, of course, there's the issue that the Open Borders policies of both Bush and the Dems actually hurt Hispanics by inviting in millions of cheaper workers to compete for their jobs.
In the same issue there's a guest essay from our old buddy Gregory Rodriguez, which includes the following:
"Villaraigosa, a onetime militant campus activist, fashioned his first race for the mayoralty in 2001 around a labor-left-Latino alliance. He lost. Four years later he broadened his message, built a more ideologically moderate multiethnic coalition and won by nearly 20 percentage points."
Great! Pretending to be a moderate in order to win elections works! But, at least the phrase "onetime militant campus activist" is slightly fact-based, even if it's misleading, implying that his far-left activities are in the past.