Ariadne's celebrity group blog
I see that Ariadne Huffanan - the famous columnist, thinker, author, educator, activist, and former candidate for honorary mayor of Brentwood - has started a new blog:
One of this blog's favorite "video stars" has joined her as well. None other than socialite and motel heiress Cudahy Patel will be joining her experiment.
America's favorite legendary and avuncular newscaster, Ezekiel "Zeke" Whittle has a post up where he talks about journalistic ethics. Maybe he should learn from his own post.
So far, I'm giving two thumbs down - way down - to Check it out and you'll probably agree.
UPDATE: Shocking developments over at Huff And Blow, but thankfully everything appears to be OK. The same can't be said of the other celebrity group blog, Huffington Post.