Did Agence France Press lie about Arnold Schwarzenegger?

See if you can spot the bias in the AFP's "Boost US borders: Schwarzenegger":
CALIFORNIA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who recently angered his state's Hispanic community with his views on illegal immigration, called on the US federal government to boost patrols along the US border with Mexico...

[...quotes from Fox News Sunday...]

...Schwarzenegger, who emigrated from Austria in 1968, came under fire last month by praising the controversial "Minutemen..."

...Schwarzenegger had also drawn a storm of criticism last month by suggesting that the United States should simply close its borders to stop the inflow of illegal immigrants...

He later corrected himself, saying he meant to say "securing" instead of "closing."
Now, unlike Pilar Marrero, the AFP was at least slightly honest enough to print Arnold's correction.

However, look at what else they did, highlighted above. From the way AFP has written this, one would think that not only every single "Hispanic" in California is angered by Arnold's remarks, but so is everyone else. In fact, given the way that the AFP has written this, one might think Arnold is now forced to live in a cave on a hillside, surrounded by an angry populace who are all opposed to his immigration-related statements.

As poll after poll shows, that is very likely false. While there aren't any lies in this AFP's report, it is extremely misleading.

At post time this is available in two Australian papers: this and this. I'll watch and see if any of our fine U.S. sources decide to promulgate the AFP's misleading statements.


What America must wake up and notice is that the Mexican community in America wants to create a new Mexican state on our land, in the United States of America. Mexicans do not assimilate. The fact that the college aged Mexicans living in America form groups like La Raza is proof of this. (The Race. For the Race Everythng, everyone else nothing) La Raza is no different than the Nazi Party. Why are we not suing the Univerity of California, the University of Arizona, the University of New Mexico, and the University of Texas systems for allwoing these groups to gather on university soil? This is not free speech. This is hate speech and really a from of terrorism as their goal is to take back the southwest of America. Go to the La Raza sites on the internet and see for yourself what their ultimate goas are. I went to college in Southern California. I saw first hand in the 1980

What America must wake up and notice is that the Mexican community in America wants to create new Mexican state on our land, in the United States of America. Mexicans do not assimilate. The fact that the college aged Mexicans living in America form groups like La Raza is proof of this. (The Race. For the Race Everythng, everyone else nothing) La Raza is no different than the Nazi Party. Why are we not suing the Univerity of California, the University of Arizona, the University of New Mexico, and the University of Texas systems for allwoing these groups to gather on university soil? This is not free speech. This is hate speech and really a from of terrorism as their goal is to take back the southwest of America. Go to the La Raza sites on the internet and see for yourself what their ultimate goas are. I went to college in Southern California. I saw first hand in the 1980