Did Pilar Marrero lie about Arnold Schwarzenegger?

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Pilar Marrero is a "political columnist and metropolitan editor for La Opinion newspaper in Los Angeles." The Pacific News Service printed a little screed from her entitled "Sagging Arnold Wants To Pump You Up With Diversionary Issue" which includes this:
Borrowing a page from his adviser, former California governor Pete Wilson, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger talked about "closing" the borders...

[Speaking on KFI] Gov. Schwarzenegger also made sure the audience knew he gets his information on immigration from Fox News and that he's against giving water to people crossing the border, many of whom die from lack of it...
As for the first paragraph, everyone who's not a far-left, ethnically-blinded supporter of illegal immigration knows what he meant. Both he and his spokesperson clarified he meant "secured" not "closed." Yet, that distinction didn't make it to Marrero's column.

As for the second paragraph, here's what Arnold actually said:
...but what we are doing basically is by not really securing the borders, we are basically saying look, here are the various different water stations, here are the places where you can cross the borders, here is where we're going to help you. I mean, the whole system is set up to really invite people to come in here illegally, and I think that has to stop.
I believe that even Noam Chomsky would say that Arnold is refering to the system as a whole. And, I believe even Noam Chomsky would be forced to admit that Arnold would not deny water to those who are dying of thirst.

Further, I think (and I believe would Noam as well) that Marrero is deliberately trying to mislead her readers. It's not a flat out lie, but I'll remember her name and I'll remember not to believe anything she says in the future. I'd suggest you do the same. I don't think contacting the PNS would do any good, but if you want here's their contact information. UPDATE: Upon reading her comments again, I believe I was much too kind. I'm going to say that she's flat out lying with the bit about the water.