Venezuela got WMD from Spain
Posted Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 10:55 am
So far all that's been discovered is 30,000 Euros worth, but there might be more. The details are in Remember the Maine?
Spain's Europa Press news agency reports that Venezuela purchased "biological and nerve agents" as well as dual-use materials from Spain sometime during the first half of 2004. According to a report about defense expenditures obtained by Europa Press, Venezuela was the only country listed under the category of "states to which chemical warfare agents and radioactive materials were sold." An English translation appears here.UPDATE: From this: "Karl von Wogau, Chairman of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defence, today urged the EU's plenary session gathered in Strasbourg to ascertain whether or not the sale of weapons by Spain to Venezuela violates the Code of Conduct on Arms Exports of the European Union..."
The accusation comes in the wake of Spain's announcement that it will sell conventional weaponry -- military transport planes and and patrol boats -- to Venezuela. I found the story through Iberian blogger Barcepundit...
seelow heights (not verified)
Wed, 04/13/2005 - 14:48
The Venezuelan gambit was just a failed neocon-Zionist diversionary tactic. You know, Venezuela as part of the Worldwide Terror Network now headquartered in Iran.
Ralph (not verified)
Wed, 04/13/2005 - 06:28
Can't beat him in an election; can't overthrow him; can't defeat him in a referendum; can't sway public opinion by spreading false rumors about him or having a strike which threw the economy into the tank. So accuse him of acquiring WMD so the US will take care of him.
Whatever happened to "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Yes, join him in trying to make Venezuela a better place.