Field Poll: 62% of Californians oppose driver's licenses for illegal aliens

SACRAMENTO - By a wide margin, Californians oppose granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, according to a poll released Friday.

A Field Poll showed that 62 percent of state residents oppose granting the licenses, while 35 percent favor the idea. The poll also found that 49 percent support issuing a different kind of license to illegal immigrants, with 48 percent opposed.

The survey found a large ethnic divide on the question. Three out of four white, non-Hispanics said they are opposed to issuing regular driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, while Hispanics favor the idea by a two-to-one margin. Of all other races, 77 percent are opposed.

Almost nine out of 10 Republicans - 86 percent_ reject the idea. Fifty-six percent of Democrats also are opposed...

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