Gallup immigration poll

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Fewer than 3 in 10 Americans say immigration is an "extremely important" issue for Congress and the president to deal with over the next year, while an additional 38% say it is "very important." At the same time, immigration has become a more important issue to Americans over the past several years, increasing from a 17% "extremely important" rating in 2001 to the current reading of 27%, in a poll conducted this past December.

[so, over 50% say it's extremely important or very important -- LW]

Although the perceived importance of immigration has increased, it remains near the bottom of a list of issues in terms of the priority the president and Congress should give it... The importance that Americans say should be given to dealing with immigration is roughly equivalent to the importance of dealing with poverty and homelessness (29%), energy policies (27%), taxes (26%), and the environment (24%) in the next year...

According to a Jan. 3-5 Gallup Poll, a slight majority of Americans, 52%, say the level of immigration in this country should be decreased. Nearly 4 in 10 adults nationwide (39%) say it should remain the same, and just 7% say it should be increased...

A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Jan. 7-9 found that only about a third of Americans, 34%, approve of the way President George W. Bush is handling immigration, while a majority of Americans, 54%, disapprove...