GamingGeezer78, as always, led the smackdown

Somehow I missed this 9/7/03 righteous smackdown from the VideoGamesReview forums:

Wow...whine, whine, complain, complain. Do you want some cheese to go along with that whine?

You Xbots just don't get it do you? The power of hardware has nothing to do with the games. And games is what sells systems. Xbox has no games that appeal to the Japanese gamers out there. Japanese gamers not buying Xbox & Xbox games is no more prejudice on their part then not buying PC games. They don't like them. Would you buy a pack of liver at the grocery store even though you don't like it? Quit being a retard.

Your entire rant against PS2 owners & the games on the system is a moot point. In Japan, PS2 has games that appeal to the Japanese audience. In America, PS2 has games that appeal to the American audience. It's as simple as that.

Now you want to cry a river and say you will get out the console gaming when Xbox doesn't sell like mad this winter...which it won't BTW. Your opinions are your opinions. I prefer games on PS2 and Gamecube to most of the Xbox games. In fact, with the exception of Halo and a few others, the games I love on Xbox are Japanese games!

Then you bash EyeToy. What do you care? The point of EyeToy is that it is a new idea. An innovation in the console games industry. Xbox Music Mixer is just a Karaoke machine. Big deal. What's worse, looking like a fool on screen or sounding like a fool? It all boils down to who wants what? Who the F are you to say EyeToy is crap and Karaoke is "da bomb?" Loser!

Just like all your fellow Xbots, you cannot see that the quality of a game isn't determined by bump-mapping and pixel shading. Xbox games can look better than anything else out there, but most of the games are soul-less, redundant, cheap boring derivative drivel that tries it's best to emulate what everyone else is doing. Boring, lazy, no-fun games.

I hope you quit console gaming you little ass. Everyone is tired of hearing you whine about Xbox not selling well. Face it, Xbox is #3 behind Gamecube. And that gap only looks to get wider with Xbox selling a whopping 650 systems in a week! LOFL! [smiley expressing 'surprise']


(A special prize to the first person who can tell me what google terms I used to arrive at that page. It's also good to know that while this blogger complains about BushBots, there are much more important fights to fight, such as those against the XBots.)