Lonewacko has issued the following statement
Posted Wed, Nov 3, 2004 at 1:53 pm
Lonewacko has issued the following statement: "Although I was a Kerry supporter, even going so far as to consider the possibility of a dynastic horror such as that described in the second part of this, I have now come to the full and voluntary realization that four or more years of the Bush administration will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for our great nation."
LonghairSteve (not verified)
Fri, 11/12/2004 - 16:07
America has NEVER kickout a Commander-In-Chief during war time!
That was the impossible political barrier.
John Kerry correctly pushed the Republicans into every corner of EVEN GREATER excuses, lies, and outragous promises.
It is half-time folks with the Bu$h the younger administration, and with nothing more said the Republican Party will FAIL ON SUCH GLORIOUS PROMISES. End of the Republican Party as we know it, no way can they hold onto their voters. It is the Republicans who will split into several parties.
Democrats will have no loss of voters whatsoever to the Republican Party. Maybe some will move to a faction of the Republican Party that breaks away. Democrats will trounce the Republicans with 4 solid years of devastating failures, and walk into the White House with 80% or more mandate to rescue America just like FDR did after the Rich stock market crash of 1929!!!
John S Bolton (not verified)
Wed, 11/03/2004 - 17:39
I predict that Bush's honeymoon will not last even two days here.
IXLNXS (not verified)
Wed, 11/03/2004 - 17:36
Wondered how that could be ignored.
I mean Kerry was the one for stopping the outsourcing of jobs. While Bush and gang want to ship it overseas or import cheaper labor to make the rich richer.
Their policies reveal who they are and what they stand for. Supporting Bush because he looks to have won this election ignores all the basic faults of both political groups when it comes to Americas best interest and which part of America gets represented.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 11/03/2004 - 15:44
Let us all hope we have good times in our national
future but I don't think we will see that in fact i think we are all in for a real bad time.
I think within 4 years we may see the start of a real civil and race war in this nation.
In the next year you may see amnesty for all mexico's Illegal so called workers. which are in fact part of what the mexican government calls its Recolonization people. The Government of Mexico would be happy to have 40 to 60 percent of its poor living here and sending billions home to mexico. If you really want to know the real Bush just stop and start looking around you and start asking real question.