Sweden enjoying the wonders of massive immigration, "multiculturalism"
I don't entirely trust this site or the translation, but here are some articles about how part or all of Sweden's third-largest city (Malmo) has apparently descended into a multiculturalist's paradise. For example, this one from the Afton Bladet (Swedish version here):
Malmr, Sweden. The police now publicly admit what many Scandinavians have known for a long time: They no longer control the situation in the nations's third largest city. It is effectively ruled by violent gangs of Muslim immigrants. Some of the Muslims have lived in the area of Rosenglrd, Malmr, for twenty years, and still don't know how to read or write Swedish. Ambulance personnel are attacked by stones or weapons, and refuse to help anybody in the area without police escort. The immigrants also spit at them when they come to help. Recently, an Albanian youth was stabbed by an Arab, and was left bleeding to death on the ground while the ambulance waited for the police to arrive. The police themselves hesitate to enter parts of their own city unless they have several patrols, and need to have guards to watch their cars, otherwise they will be vandalized. "Something drastic has to be done, or much more blood will be spilled" says one of the locals.
Other summaries are provided at the link. Note that these are summaries, not full and exact translations. In a later post, the translator responds to criticisms about him providing summaries rather than full translations. He says if anything he understated the matter.
While I tend to believe him, I'd also like to see word-for-word translations. I'd also like to see the justifications for this from the MultiCultiCult establishment.
John S Bolton (not verified)
Tue, 09/21/2004 - 22:25
Apparently, multiculturalism, as diversity-valuing state-religion, asks us to value diversity of behavior, including rape, murder, welfare-grabbing, moslem wars of religion, terrorism and the rest of it. Therefore, that state-religion is known to be anti-moral. It is known to be irrational; especially if no argument in its favor is possible, but only such ad hominem styles as saying; anyone who disagrees with diversity-valorization is a racist, or is diagnosable as xenophobic.
TLI (not verified)
Tue, 09/21/2004 - 21:50
"Something drastic has to be done, or much more blood will be spilled" says one of the locals.
Somthing will be done. The thirdworld trash they have stupidly allowed into their country will destroy everything they touch.
Pretty drastic, huh?
Reagan is King (not verified)
Tue, 09/21/2004 - 19:31
There's an answer and it's called "mass deportation" but the liberal Swedes would never do it. Their liberalism will destroy their culture. Isn't political correctness wonderful?