Evasion of our laws, threats to our sovereignty go mobile
From Lexington, KY's TV station WKYT comes "Mexican government helps immigrants acquire passports, identification cards":
MAYFIELD, Ky. -- The Mobile Mexican Consulate visited Mayfield over the weekend to help Mexican immigrants apply for passports...
"These are illegal and legal people," [a Baptist minister] said. "This has nothing to do with immigration..."
[A Mexican citizen visited] the center while she presented documents needed for a Mexican government-backed ID, or matricula.
[She] said being able to receive her matricula in Mayfield was "muy facil," or very easy...
The matricula cards are issued by the Mexican government to its nationals living in other countries. Kentucky is not yet one of the thirteen states that accept the cards as valid identification...
This article does have one small mention of "illegal," so at least it's a small step up from the other recent report that had no mention of illegal vs. legal.
This appears to be an AP report written by or published in the Paducah Sun. It'd be nice if the AP would expand their style guide on the Matricula Consular card to include some of the information presented in "IDs for Illegals: The 'Matricula Consular' Advances Mexico's Immigration Agenda" or "FBI Official Says Matricula Consular Card Is Security Threat".
Please contact these people and suggest they provide more detailed information on these Matricula Consular cards:
John S Bolton (not verified)
Mon, 09/20/2004 - 22:29
One of the reasons that many more illegal aliens do not avail themselves of the redistribution programs available here, is that they don't have papers which verify residency at a local address. The mat. con. gives them that, especially if they have local utility bills in their name. The government is intensifying its aggression; amplifying its plundering operation against the net taxpayers. They are , in effect calling out to the third world: come help us pillage the net taxpayers of America.