Arnold will veto the illegal alien driver's license bill
Posted Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 9:56 am · short link
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So says Dan Weintraub:
The latest rumor racing around the talk radio circuit is that Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, acting governor while Schwarzenegger is in New York, will sign SB 1160, the bill giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. It's not going to happen, folks...
[Schwarzenegger's] Communications Director Rob Stutzman, speaking on KTKZ radio this morning, says his boss fully intends to veto the bill and won't let anyone else get their hands on it before he does so.
Xrlq (not verified)
Tue, 08/31/2004 - 14:02
I'd love to know what makes Weintraub and Stutzman so sure that there is anything Arnold can do right now to prevent the active governor from getting his hands on AB 2895. That the normally dependable Weintraub named the wrong bill in this post, derided as a "talk radio" rumor a story that had appeared in the L.A. Times, and even appeared obliviuos to the fact that the bill had passed does not inspire confidence in his conclusion.