"U.S. military beefing up its presence on borders"

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From Knight-Ridder:

There's a growing sense of urgency among those who police America's long, porous borders that tighter control is needed to prevent terrorists from slipping into the flood of illegal immigrants entering the United States.

The Sept. 11 Commission found that the nation's borders are largely unprotected and recommended that border security become an integral part of national security policy. Now that airline security has been improved, terror suspects increasingly are being detected trying to enter the country on ships or overland...

Where does one begin?

First of all, perhaps we should try to prevent the "flood" from coming here in the first place. With Bush administration-mandated interior enforcement practically non-existant, the "flood" is going to keep coming.

Cynically speaking, perhaps the "growing sense of urgency" is a sense that CYA pieces like the one above need to be fed to as many newspapers as possible.


It could be that some of this is for real; that the government is starting to notice its vulnerability in that region. They should also note that a state of war exists with mexico, and that the lack of response to this emboldens other enemies to exploit the openness to aggression. Whether mexico is our enemy to the extent of facilitating terrorist infiltration is another question; they might feel indifferent to the current national power-struggle between two parties, both of whom are disloyal to the net taxpayer.