More fun with Disinfopedia
Posted Sat, Aug 7, 2004 at 10:30 am
A while back, I posted about how I'd updated Disinfopedia's report on the Ford Foundation.
Looking at that last link, I notice two changes.
First, someone else seems to have updated the bit about Henry Ford: "The Ford Foundation was founded in 1936 by Henry Ford, well known anti-Semite and receiptant of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle by Nazi diplomats in 1938."
And, more to the Lonewacko-related point, my links about the Ford Foundation have been moved to a new page: "Conservatives target the Ford Foundation".
I don't really like my links having been moved off the front page into the "evil conservative" section, but at least the links are still there and people can read them and make up their own mind.